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Go and Learn

“Mobile learning offers people something traditional education cannot: integration into life,” says Learning Resource Center columnist Marcia Conner. Read her latest column, “Go and Learn,” to discover why she feels that mobile learning is the great invisible elephant in the room, in our pockets, in our purses, and in our cars.

BY Lynne d Johnson

“Mobile learning offers people something traditional education cannot: integration into life,” says Learning Resource Center columnist Marcia Conner. Read her latest column, “Go and Learn,” to discover why she feels that mobile learning is the great invisible elephant in the room, in our pockets, in our purses, and in our cars.


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Lynne d Johnson is a Content + Community Consultant developing content and community strategies that help brands better tell their stories and build better relationships with people toward driving brand awareness, loyalty, and purchase intent. She has been writing about tech and media since the Web 1.0 days, most recently about how the future of consumer interactions will be driven by augmented reality and wearable tech. More

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