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Dear Friends at Fast Company,

I hope you will join me for a free TeleForum hosted by Marshall Goldsmith and Patricia Wheeler on June 25, 12 Noon EST entitled: "Prevent Your Career’s Biggest Tragedy."

Info below:


Please join me for my Free Live Teleforum, "Prevent Your Career’s Greatest Tragedy," on June 25 at 9 AM PST. Info below. Sign up at: Dr. Mark TeleForum.

BY Mark Goulston2 minute read

Dear Friends at Fast Company,

I hope you will join me for a free TeleForum hosted by Marshall Goldsmith and Patricia Wheeler on June 25, 12 Noon EST entitled: “Prevent Your Career’s Biggest Tragedy.”

Info below:



Please join me for my Free Live Teleforum, “Prevent Your Career’s Greatest Tragedy,” on June 25 at 9 AM PST. Info below. Sign up at: Dr. Mark TeleForum.


Marshall Goldsmith and Patricia Wheeler invite you to a Thought Leader Teleforum
on Wednesday June 25th at noon Eastern time.

Our June TeleForum features author, columnist and coach Dr. Mark Goulston on “Prevent Your Career’s Greatest Tragedy,” moderated by Executive Coach Patricia Wheeler.

There is no charge for this TeleForum, which will be held on Wednesday June 25th at 9 AM Pacific/ noon Eastern.

Mark quotes Warren Buffett in saying to you:
“All of you have the ability to do anything I do and much beyond. Some of you will and some of you won’t. For those who won’t, it will be because you Get in Your Own Way, not because the world doesn’t allow you.”

Mark must agree because he wrote the best seller, Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior and its sequel, Get Out of Your Own Way at Work…and Help Others Do the Same. In this TeleForum, learn what self-defeating behavior is, why you engage in it and most importantly how you can stop and replace it with success promoting behavior.

During this 60-minute conference call we will be discussing the three points below plus fielding your specific questions:

1. Will you get to the end of your career and life with no regrets?

2. How do you craft a career with no regrets?

3. How can you replace self-defeating behavior with success-promoting behavior?

There is no charge for this TeleForum. Please click here to register. If this link does not work in your browser, you may cut and paste the following URL:

If you have further questions, please contact Patricia Wheeler at 404 377-9408.

We look forward to your participation!

Patricia and Marshall


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Mark Goulston, M.D. is the Co-Fonder of Heartfelt Leadership a global community whose Mission of Daring to Care it dedicated to identifying, celebrating, developing and supporting heartfelt leaders who are as committed to making a difference as they are to making a profit More

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